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Manage event participants

List participants

As the event creator you can see who particpates in an event. To do so you can click either:

  • the link X persons going on your event page:

    number of participants - event view

  • or My events on top bar menu and the Manage participations link:

    event actions image

event participants list

Reject a participant

gif reject participant actions

To reject participants head to the participations list and:

  1. check the participant boxes you want to reject
  2. click the Reject participant button

Once done, the Rejected label will be displayed:

image rejected particpant


The participant will receive a notification of this rejection by email.

Approve participant

When I want to approve every participation request option is checked by the event organiser, participants see a modal where they can optionally add a short text and have to click the Confirm my participation button:

participation confirmation modal

The organiser can approve participation by going to participations list and:

  1. clicking checkboxes in front of participants
  2. clicking Approve participant

image participation approval

Once done, the Participant label will be displayed:

image label participant

Last update: February 28, 2025