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Manage roles


Start / edit / delete a discussion ✔ ¹
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Manage invitations ²
Add members
Manage roles

¹ who created the discussion
² depending of settings


When a person is invited and accepts this invitation to join your group, she is, by default, only a member.


You can promote an account to moderator or administrator by:

  1. clicking the My groups button on the top bar menu
  2. clicking the group you want to manage
  3. clicking the Add / Remove... link in your group banner
  4. clicking the Promote button in front of the user you want to promote.


You only can promote one level at a time: member, then moderator, then administrator


You can demote an account to administrator by:

  1. clicking the My groups button on the top bar menu
  2. clicking the group you want to manage
  3. clicking the Add / Remove... link in your group banner
  4. clicking the Demote button in front of the user you want to demote.


You only can demote one level at a time: administrator, then moderator, then member


To remove a member you have to:

  1. click the My groups button on the top bar menu
  2. click the group you want to manage
  3. click the Add / Remove... link in your group banner
  4. click the Remove button in front of the user


If the user is a moderator or an administrator, you have to demote them first.

Last update: February 28, 2025