Mobilizon outputs to the standard output. If you use systemd
as a service manager for Mobilizon, then the logs are probably accessible through journald
sudo journalctl -u mobilizon -f
Log-level & -formatting¶
The log level or format can be configured in the configuration file like this:
config :logger, :console, format: "[$level] $message\n", level: :debug
Available common levels are :debug
, :info(default)
:warning`. The full list is accessible here.
Mobilizon offers Sentry integration to track errors. Simply add the following configuration to start sending errors and stacktraces to Sentry. Restart Mobilizon afterwards.
config :sentry,
dsn: "https://public_key@app.getsentry.com/1", # Your Sentry DSN
release: to_string(Application.spec(:mobilizon, :vsn)),
server_name: "my-mobilizon-server.org" # Your instance domain name
config :logger, :console, backends: [:console, Sentry.LoggerBackend]
config :mobilizon, Mobilizon.Service.ErrorReporting,
adapter: Mobilizon.Service.ErrorReporting.Sentry
If you want Sentry to be loaded on Front-end as well, you need to add as well:
config :mobilizon, Mobilizon.Service.FrontEndAnalytics.Sentry,
enabled: true,
dsn: "https://public_key@app.getsentry.com/1", # Your Sentry DSN
tracesSampleRate: 1.0,
organization: "yourorganisation",
project: "yourproject",
host: "sentry.yourdomain.org", # Your self-hosted sentry hostname, otherwise sentry.io
csp: [
connect_src: ["sentry.yourdomain.org"]
As well as registering the Sentry analytics provider
config :mobilizon, :analytics,
providers: [
The feedback feature will also be used if there's a crash on front-end.
Last update: February 28, 2025