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You can easily run the framasoft/mobilizon docker image standalone, but since Mobilizon requires PostgreSQL and nginx, we recommend using docker compose.


We currently produce images for the linux/amd64 architecture (which you'll probably use it most cases), as well as for the linux/arm64 (aarch64, ARMv8) architecture.

linux/arm (ARMv7) is no longer supported as we're unable to cross-compile it in QEMU, but you can still build the images yourself on real hardware.

PostGIS and arm64

PostGIS currently doesn't provide images for arm64. If you're using arm64, you'll need to use 3rd-party images, for instance the ones from nickblah/postgis, or build yourself an image. Edit the docker-compose.yml file to reflect that if needed.

The docker compose provides an app container for Mobilizon itself and a database container for PostgreSQL (PostGIS). You'll need your own reverse-proxy to handle TLS termination (on port 4000).

Podman support

Podman should work as expected as a drop-in replacement. For docker-compose compatibility you'll need to use the docker-compose command instead of docker compose.

Get the docker compose repo

git clone docker-mobilizon
cd docker-mobilizon

Update the env file

cp env.template .env

Edit the .env content with your own settings. More settings can be added in .env, see all in docker-compose.yml file.


gpg --gen-random --armor 1 50

Advanced configuration

You can setup advanced configuration through the config.exs Elixir file. To get a file, docker cp mobilizon:/etc/mobilizon/config.exs .

It defaults to using the environment variables from .env but you may edit the existing parts and add any configuration setting you want.

To activate using the config.exs file, you may uncomment the corresponding volume line into docker-compose.yml, then simply restart the mobilizon container.

Run the service

Start both the database and the Mobilizon service. The Mobilizon service will wait for the database one.

docker compose up -d

The eventual migrations will be automatically run before starting Mobilizon.

Run a mobilizon_ctl command

Any task documented in CLI tasks can be executed on Docker as well, but it need to be adapted, as the mix tool is not available in releases which are used in Docker images. Instead, we provide the mobilizon_ctl wrapper tool that can call any Mobilizon mix task (namedspaced under mobilizon.).

docker compose exec mobilizon mobilizon_ctl [options]

For instance, creating a new admin without Docker would be something like:

MIX_ENV=prod mix "" --admin --password "Y0urP4ssw0rd"

Inside Docker, it would be something like:

docker compose exec mobilizon mobilizon_ctl "" --admin --password "Y0urP4ssw0rd"

Update the service

Pull the latest image, then update the service. The migrations are automatically performed:

docker compose pull framasoft/mobilizon
docker compose up -d

Further Reading

See also

Last update: February 28, 2025