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Migrate from Source install to Release install

The 1.1 version of Mobilizon brings Elixir releases support. An Elixir release is a self-contained directory that contains all of Mobilizon's code (front-end and backend), it's dependencies, as well as the Erlang Virtual Machine and runtime (only the parts you need). As long as the release has been assembled on the same OS and architecture, it can be deploy and run straight away. Read more about releases.

We provide a small script to handle things like open the interactive shell, restart the release or execute mix tasks.

With releases, we adopt a more traditional way of managing configuration and media files.

  • Configuration is now assumed to be in /etc/mobilizon/config.exs by default.
    You can change the path with the MOBILIZON_CONFIG_PATH environment variable. As this file holds Mobilizon only read-access to this file.

  • Uploads are now assumed to be in /var/lib/mobilizon/uploads by default. You can change the path in your config file, with the following config:

    config :mobilizon, Mobilizon.Web.Upload.Uploader.Local, uploads: "/var/lib/mobilizon/uploads"`

  • The release files will be assumed to located in /opt/mobilizon by default.
    Feel free to put them elsewhere and adapt the following instructions, like /usr/local/lib/mobilizon.

These steps are to be executed as root or with sudo, in your mobilizon current folder:

Start by stopping the Mobilizon process:

systemctl stop mobilizon

Download and install


To get the latest package URL, you should go to our release page and copy the URL from the latest tar.gz package.

The URL redirects to the latest stable release package available (Gitlab doesn't allow to do this directly currently), but you shouldn't use it it you want to get a beta version or a different version.

  • Download the latest release build and unzip it:
    curl -L '' -o /tmp/mobilizon.tar.gz
    tar xzf /tmp/mobilizon.tar.gz -C /tmp/
  • Move the release to the install folder:

    mv /tmp/mobilizon /opt/
    rm /tmp/mobilizon.tar.gz

  • Set the proper owner to /opt/mobilizon

    chown -R mobilizon:mobilizon /opt/mobilizon

Move the configuration

  • Create the config directory

    mkdir -p /etc/mobilizon

  • Copy your current configuration to the new location:

Configuration file

Your configuration file might be either in config/runtime.exs or config/prod.secret.exs (prior to 1.1.0). Make sure to copy the correct file.

cp config/runtime.exs /etc/mobilizon/config.exs

Adapt the configuration

Configuration header

Make sure the top of the config file starts with import Config and not use Mix.Config. If not, replace it.

If your config file doesn't includes server: true under Mobilizon.Web.Endpoint, add it.

config :mobilizon, Mobilizon.Web.Endpoint,
+ server: true,

Move the media uploads

  • Create the media directory

    mkdir -p /var/lib/mobilizon/uploads

  • Move all uploads to the new location:

    mv uploads/* /var/lib/mobilizon/uploads

  • Make sure the uploaded files have the proper owner. Mobilizon needs write access to this folder.
    chown -R mobilizon:mobilizon /var/lib/mobilizon/uploads

Move the GeoIP database file

  • Create the GeoIP directory

    mkdir -p /var/lib/mobilizon/geo

  • Move the GeoIP database to the new location:

    mv priv/data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb /var/lib/mobilizon/geo/

  • Make sure the GeoIP database has the proper owner. Mobilizon only needs read access to this GeoIP database file.
    chown -R mobilizon:mobilizon /var/lib/mobilizon/geo

Execute pending database migrations

You may have updated to a newer version, so let's run database migrations just to be sure:

sudo -u mobilizon /opt/mobilizon/bin/mobilizon_ctl migrate

Test that the instance starts properly

Run Mobilizon as a daemon to test the startup

/opt/mobilizon/bin/mobilizon daemon && tail tmp/log/erlang.log.1 -f
If the output contains the following Access Mobilizon.Web.Endpoint at without any error messages, it should be fine. Otherwise your configuration is probably incorrect and you need to check it.

Either way, exit the tail -f with Ctrl+C then stop the daemon with:

/opt/mobilizon/bin/mobilizon stop

Edit the nginx configuration

  • Edit the nginx virtual host file to change paths:

    $EDITOR /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/mobilizon.conf
    - /home/mobilizon/live/priv/static
    + /opt/mobilizon/priv/static
    - /home/mobilizon/live/priv/errors
    + /opt/mobilizon/priv/errors

  • Test that configuration is correct and reload nginx

    nginx -t && systemctl reload nginx

Edit the systemd configuration

  • Edit the systemd unit file to change the path to mobilizon:
    $EDITOR /etc/systemd/system/mobilizon.service
    And change the following lines:
    - WorkingDirectory=/home/mobilizon/live
    - ExecStart=/usr/bin/env mix phx.server
    - ExecReload=/bin/kill $MAINPID
    + WorkingDirectory=/opt/mobilizon
    + ExecStart=/opt/mobilizon/bin/mobilizon start
    + ExecStop=/opt/mobilizon/bin/mobilizon stop
  • Reload systemd

    systemctl daemon-reload

  • Finally, restart the Mobilizon service

    systemctl restart mobilizon

Remove the source install

Once we're confident everything works properly, we can get rid of the source install.

  • Go to the mobilizon's user $HOME directory and remove the live directory and dependencies cache.

    cd /home/mobilizon
    rm -r live/ .cache/ .hex/ .mix/

  • Move mobilizon's $HOME directory to the new mobilizon root folder. The usermod utility will issue a warning telling that the directory already exists, but it will perform the change.

    systemctl stop mobilizon
    usermod -m -d /opt/mobilizon mobilizon
    systemctl start mobilizon

Last update: February 28, 2025